
Vermont Introduces Food Waste Ban In An Environment-Conscious Decision

By on August 31, 2020

In a remarkable introduction of the Food Waste Ban, Vermont has become the first state to take such drastic measures. If you thought a police department with “Oscar the grouch” was enough, you were wrong. The authorities in Vermont are clearly determined to raise the level of living consciously in an environment-friendly way. 

With the latest Food Waste Ban legislature, the city authorities have prohibited disposing of any compostable food waste. It includes old bread, coffee grounds, stale fruits, and eggshells. While this law might be an inconvenience for some people, it will do wonders for the environment. The city authorities hope that the citizens see this as an opportunity to live more sustainably. 

Vermont Aims To Cut Its Landfill Waste By Half

This decision is part of Vermont’s larger plan of cutting landfill waste by at least 50 percent. The food waste will instead be diverted towards facilities that can compost, recycle, or reuse it. 

Vermont city officials have been taking surveys every five years to assess what food waste consists of. According to the data they have collected, about 20 percent of the food waste is just scraps of food that can easily be turned into compost. They can then be used as fertilizers for the farms and fields in the state. 

food waste ban in Vermont

This Food Waste Ban legislature will not only provide high-quality fertilizers but will also decrease the production of methane. When a large amount of food waste is thrown in the landfill pits, they rot there producing methane. Methane survives in our environment for only 10 to 12 years as opposed to CO2, which is capable of surviving for more than a thousand years. Even then, methane is 32 times more powerful than CO2 in accelerating global warming. The change is real, and it’s happening fast. 

What Does A Food Waste Ban Mean? 

An official from Vermont Agency of Natural Resources, Josh Kelly, informed media sources about people’s skepticism. He said that one person asked if the city officials were going to check their garbage for food waste and whatnot. 

Kelly explained that the law does not mean policing garbage bags and cans. It’s more to raise awareness and encourage private composting. The food composting practice is already widely known. The city officials just want to attract possible investors. If this environment-friendly business grows, more facilities for composting will be built. 

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The city authorities have introduced further programs to help and guide its citizens to live in a more environmentally conscious manner. They have released detailed information and guidelines about what items can be composted and what edibles can be recycled. They have also provided incredible support to several organizations that work towards rescuing unnecessary food waste. These edible “wastes” are later provided to people who need them. 

Kelly further said that the Food Waste Ban legislature is not the best version, but it’s a stepping stone towards reducing landfill food waste by 50 percent.

Featured Image: Ken-Lund

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